Led by partners Yaman Salahi and Natasha Fernández-Silber, our Antitrust group investigates and litigates cases protecting consumers and workers from businesses engaged in anti-competitive conduct.

The antitrust laws generally prohibit agreements between competitors to restrain competition in the marketplace. Such agreements can take many forms. The following are examples of arrangements that may be unlawful:

  • Price-fixing. Competitors are not permitted to agree with one another to charge the same prices on a product or otherwise not to compete on the basis of price. Prohibited conduct could include agreements about how to determine prices, discounts, pricing formulas, and terms and conditions of sale. Other conduct that directly affects prices may also be unlawful—such as agreements to limit the supply of a product or not to advertise prices.
  • Market allocation. Competitors are not permitted to divide territories, customers, or workers amongst themselves. For example, it is unlawful for two competing businesses to agree not to poach one another’s employees or customers, or not to conduct business or advertise for their business in particular geographic areas.
  • Bid rigging. It is unlawful for competitors to coordinate their bidding activities. That could include agreeing not to compete on certain bids, agreeing to coordinate who will submit a winning bid, agreeing to submit bids that are not genuine in order to enable a competitor to win, or refraining from a bid in exchange for a subcontracting agreement.
  • No-poach agreements. An agreement between competing employers not to solicit, recruit, or hire one another’s employees is also unlawful.

Conduct similar to the above is anticompetitive and generally harms consumers by forcing them to pay higher prices, or workers by suppressing their pay. Edelson PC’s attorneys and staff stand ready to investigate any potential antitrust violations of which you may be aware. Contact us now for a free consultation.

Edelson PC’s antitrust docket includes the following matters:

  • In re MultiPlan Health Insurance Provider Litigation – Natasha Fernández-Silber and Yaman Salahi of Edelson PC are Interim Co-Lead Class Counsel in a proposed class action brought on behalf of medical providers challenging an alleged price-fixing agreement by health insurance companies to suppress reimbursement rates for out-of-network services.
  • Respimat Asthma Inhaler Litigation – Edelson PC represents a proposed class of third-party payors.alleging they overpaid for asthma mediations Spiriva Respimat and Combivent Respimat on the basis that Boehringer Ingelheim mis-listed device patents associated with those drugs in the Orange Book to deter generic competitors from coming to market.
  • Sheepherder Wage Fixing Litigation – Edelson PC represents a proposed class of migrant sheepherders who allege that ranches in the Western states, acting through the Western Range Association, colluded to suppress their wages by fixing wages and limiting the workers’ mobility.

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